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Connecticut HIV Planning Consortium (CHPC)

CHPC includes a diverse group of stakeholders who coordinate a statewide HIV prevention and care system to reduce new infections and increase access to services throughout Connecticut.

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Ryan White Planning Councils

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End the Syndemic Background

A syndemic describes two or more overlapping epidemics or health problems that are connected through behavior, biology and social conditions, affecting the same area or people. HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Substance Use Disorder and Viral Hepatitis impact one another and contribute to a higher burden of disease. None of these epidemics can end without an integrated approach.

CT DPH’s Tuberculosis, HIV, STI, and Viral Hepatitis Program is committed to working with community partners to:

  • End the HIV Epidemic
  • Eliminate Hepatitis C
  • Reduce STIs
  • Fight the Opioid Epidemic
  • End Stigma
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Positive Prevention CT (PPCT)

Positive Prevention CT (PPCT) is a group of HIV prevention providers and consumers funded by the CT Department of Public Health to create health communication strategies.

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In It To End It Initiative

In 2019, the New Haven/Fairfield Counties Ryan White Part A Program was one of just 10 jurisdictions to be awarded Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) funding to develop a comprehensive, community-driven plan to end the local HIV epidemic. To ensure all of the major metropolitan areas in Connecticut were represented in the planning process, the Greater Hartford Ryan White Part A Program was invited to collaborate. Planning activities began on November 1, 2019, with the final plan completed and submitted to HRSA by June 30, 2021.The HRSA Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program is a federal program that provides a comprehensive system of HIV primary medical care, essential support services, and medications for low-income people living with HIV who are uninsured and underserved. The Program funds grants to states, cities/counties, and local community-based organizations to provide care and treatment services to people living with HIV to improve health outcomes and reduce HIV transmission among hard-to-reach populations. 

The New Haven/Fairfield Counties Ryan White Part A Program has received Ryan White funding since 1993. The Mayor of New Haven is directly responsible for administration of the program’s funds.

 Funding is equitably distributed by the percentage of AIDS cases in proportion to the number of HIV cases reported for each region the program serves:

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