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Drug User Health (DUH)

Drug User Health is a community-based prevention program that can provide a range of services, including access to sterile syringes and injection equipment, collection and disposal of used syringes and works, viral hepatitis vaccinations and treatment, HIV and Hepatitis C testing, and linkage to infectious disease care and substance use treatment.

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Effective Behavioral Interventions (EBIs)

EBIs are a wide variety of HIV Prevention interventions usually involving a small group of participants. The CT DPH currently funds Healthy Love, NIA, MPowerment, and SISTA.

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HIV Testing Interventions

HIV Testing is the most important component of HIV Prevention. If people didn’t get tested, how would they know if they needed PrEP or HIV medications? Click to learn about Connecticut’s HIV testing initiatives.

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PrEP Navigation & Services

With Status-Neutral Care, PrEP Navigation is more important than ever. After every non-reactive HIV test is conducted, each client is required to be assessed as a candidate for PrEP and linked directly to a medical provider, should they meet the qualifications.

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HIV is a reportable communicable disease. That means everyone who is confirmed to have HIV is required to be documented with the state’s health department. That’s when the HIV Surveillance Program steps in.

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Partner Services (PS)

When your client tests reactive for HIV, getting them a confirmatory test is only one necessary step you need to take. The other is contacting the HIV Surveillance Program and connecting with a Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS) and referring your client for Partner Services.

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