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Historical Context

During the early years of the HIV epidemic, many states implemented HIV-specific criminal exposure laws to discourage behavior that might lead to transmission, promote safer sex practices, and, in some cases, receive funds to support HIV prevention activities. These laws were passed at a time when very little was known about HIV including how HIV was transmitted and how best to treat the virus. Many of these state laws criminalize behaviors that cannot transmit HIV – such as biting or spitting – and apply regardless of actual transmission, or intent.

After over 30 years of HIV research and significant biomedical advancements to treat and prevent HIV transmission, many state laws are now outdated and do not reflect our current understanding of HIV. In many cases, this same standard is not applied to other treatable diseases. Further, these laws have been shown to increase stigma, exacerbate disparities, and may discourage HIV testing.


HIV Testing is now Routine in CT! At least according to the law (

The law passed in 2023 requires healthcare providers to offer HIV testing to all patients 13 and older at least once as a routine part of healthcare. The new law will also require that Emergency Departments start testing patients routinely in 2024.

Current HIV Laws in CT

Connecticut Laws

Connecticut Exposure Laws

Connecticut Laws Pertaining To Minors

Download HIV Laws PDF